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与弗吉尼亚理工大学优秀的、世界领先的学院一起开拓通往未来的道路. 更多地了解每所大学能为你提供什么.


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

适应社会的期望和需要 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 将资源集中用于改善人类健康和营养, 维持农业和环境, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, 开发治疗毁灭性疾病的方法.

农业与生命科学学院的研究领域包括环境科学, agribusiness, animal and poultry sciences, biochemistry, dairy science, horticulture, and human nutrition, foods, and exercise.

College of Architecture and Urban Studies

College of Architecture, Arts, and Design

无论你是想设计建筑还是设计文化, the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design has a home for you.

With the School of Architecture, the School of Visual Arts, the School of Performing Arts, and the School of Design, the College of Architecture, Arts, 和设计为这些领域的全球领导者铺平了道路.


Pamplin College of Business

The Pamplin College of Business 强调技术和分析,以改善全球业务, 企业家精神带来创新, international opportunities for learning, and a collaborative, world-class community.

提供会计和信息系统的本科和研究生课程, business information technology, economics, finance, hospitality and tourism management, management, and marketing, 潘普林培养未来的商业领袖.

Hyperloop team

College of Engineering

The College of Engineering 突破课堂知识的界限, applying a hands-on, 多学科的方法,准备工程学生是高度招聘的问题解决者和领导者.

该学院为弗吉尼亚州的劳动力提供了一半以上的工程师,站在创新的最前沿, working in disruptive technology areas, including autonomous systems and robotics, cybersecurity, data analytics, turbomachinery and diagnostics, and wireless communications and security.

拥有14个本科学位,16个博士学位,19个硕士学位, all in 17 areas of study, 工程学院正在培养该领域未来的领导者.



Find your place in the 文科与人文科学学院: committed to challenging and provoking critical thinking; encouraging creative, world-changing ideas; and developing students who thrive in our dynamic global society.

Whether you’re interested in education, performing arts, modern and classical languages, literature, history, philosophy, political science, 或者社会学——只是举几个例子——大学里有你的位置.

CNRE students


The 自然资源与环境学院 是弗吉尼亚唯一一所专门从事自然资源教育、研究和推广的大学吗.

以弗吉尼亚理工大学的现有优势为基础,在环境和自然资源科学方面发挥领导作用, 学院培养能够发现并分享为子孙后代可持续管理地球资源所需知识的毕业生.

Fossil clean

College of Science

Discover, understand, 并运用基本的科学原理来追求超越传统学科和既定知识界限的问题. 通过课堂和实验室的实践学习, 理学院提倡健康的人, strong communities, and a sustainable planet.

With 10 degree programs, including chemistry, economics, geosciences, integrated science, microbiology, math, physics, psychology, statistics, and neuroscience, 理学院准备合作, 21世纪所需要的思想自由的科学家.

Members of the Corps of Cadet Honor Guard

Corps of Cadets

Everyone is looking for great leaders. The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets exists to nurture and create them.

这是自1872年建校以来的重要组成部分, 军校学员团是一个世界级的领导力发展项目, 毕业生将在美国从事杰出的职业.S. 军事和履行在公共和私营部门的角色.

Honors College students

Honors College

The Virginia Tech Honors College 激励和促进具有特殊动机和能力的学生接受非凡的本科教育.

对于那些寻求成为积极学习者并将他们的知识和技能应用于关键领域的学生, real-world problems, 荣誉学院提供的挑战和机会植根于与教师的有意义的关系, independent learning, undergraduate research, 基于地点和以问题为中心的体验, 以及全球背景下的智力参与.

Students working with an animal.


Established in 1978, the 弗吉尼亚马里兰兽医学院 是一个领先的生物医学教学和研究中心,也是弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州居民的州内兽医学院.

以保护和改善动物为使命, human, and environmental health and welfare, 兽医学院培养和发展兽医领域的领导者, public health, and biomedical and veterinary sciences.


Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine  

作为一种独特的公私合作伙伴关系 Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine 成立于2007年,旨在利用弗吉尼亚理工大学在基础科学方面的杰出实力, bioinformatics, Carilion诊所拥有经验丰富的医务人员和丰富的医学教育历史.

专注于教育当今的医生同时进行当今的研究, 弗吉尼亚理工大学卡里隆医学院培养的毕业生在改善人类健康和所有人的生活质量方面处于领先地位.